Today marks the 3rd day of my 105th attempt to quit smoking. As far as it goes, it hasn't been messing with my head, yet; like causing anger or turning me grumpy all the time.
Why the sudden change?
That's because I felt lethargic lately. At the same time, I was thinking that maybe I should quit since am not even smoking as much these days. A box would usually last me a couple of days and it became stale most of the time. Last Friday, I told Mr.Snots that *this* box would be the last box for me.
This is not cold-turkey. I have been reducing my intake for so many months. It is just normal that gradually lessen ciggies intake would eventually becomes no ciggies at all.
To be honest, I hardly smoke during the office hour because I'm usually too engrossed with my work. I don't like to smoke during hot days. The only time I smoke was usually at night when I had nothing better to do or when I was driving back from work.
This should not be hard as I have yet to develop any sort of urges or suicidal thought. So I'm hoping that this attempt should last me longer than the last time.