Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some sense of Decency.

I'm contemplating about raising this issue because I wouldn't want to be seen or called as insensitive jerk and what not.

But here it goes..

I'm always against PDA - Public Display of Affection. It is not so much about being on a higher pedestal of moral conduct, but it creates an uneasy feeling and can't help but to feel ashamed when you encounter with one. (oh well maybe it is just me). The affectionate display between you and your spouse should have some limitation when you are out in public. Of course we are not talking about holding hands or a quick peck on the cheek but full blown French kiss with squeezing or caressing. Uneasy is one thing, but when you doing it wrong and rather raunchy, it is just disturbing.

You want to be indecent in your own private place or behind closed door, that is totally up to you. I have nothing against it.

Then comes the breastfeeding in public.

How should I put this? Yes, we understand the need to feed the newborn baby every few hours and am sure most mothers could vouch that the connection between mother and their baby is an out-of-this-world experience, but doing it in public? No matter how much you are trying to cover your tops as appropriately as possible, for me, it is just not appropriate enough.

I've seen young mothers doing this in the shopping mall, at the park and other public places with careless conduct. I even asked my mother about this and she said, never once she lifted up her tops in front of strangers or relatives to feed any one of us. For her, there's a place that she can do it comfortably and it is called "home". Privacy is the main key here.

If you really really really need to get the hell out of your house and taking the baby with you, doing shopping or whatever, I suggest that you find somewhere secluded with not so many people to do this business. I think all the shopping malls' ladies are now well equipped and their management actually provide facilities for this. Heck, they even provide comfy sofas for it.

Just think about it. Popping out the breast (even if it is used to feed a baby) will attract unwanted attention from all walks of life and most importantly, it makes people cringe!

I wonder how the husband would feel like seeing the wife breastfeeding his baby in public? Because whenever I saw a mother breastfeeding a child, I didn't actually see any glimpse of the husband standing/sitting besides her or anywhere nearby.

I'm just saying.


::nyetto:: said...


i 110% agree with you. it's distracting even if you're a friend of the mommy's, and if you're a stranger, then it becomes disgusting. well i am just sayin' too. sorry if anyone is offended :P

snots said...

true that!!